UES Parents Spooked by Adult Twin Sisters Loitering at Playground

indiggo twins upper east side

Gabriela ModorceaĀ andĀ Mihaela Modorcea via Wikimedia Commons

According to NYC ParksĀ regulations, adults are exclusively allowed in playground areas when accompanied by a child under the age of 12. But on the Upper East Side, mysterious 38-year-old identical twins (with unbelievably random ties to A-list celebrities) are causing chaos among parents and caretakers by loitering sans littles.


TheĀ New York Post reports that the pair of sisters ā€” Gabriela and Mihaela Modorcea, self-described singers who go by the ā€œIndiggo Twinsā€ ā€” frequently hang out at the John Jay Park playground on East 76th Street, and locals are fed up. In addition to ā€œperformingā€ in the park, the twins are allegedly approaching people with odd demands, including a request to braid a toddlerā€™s hair (and subsequently photograph them). On another occasion, they supposedly asked a caretaker for the name and age of the baby she was holding.


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Mommy groups on Facebook have been abuzz (ā€œIf youā€™re not with kids, stay out of the playground,ā€ a perturbed parent proclaimed), and the police were notified numerous times (including as recently as Wednesday, September 13). Despite the obvious rule violation ā€” and a recent sign put up by the Parks Department reading, ā€œNo adults except in the company of a childā€ ā€” the Modorcea sisters maintain there are no ill intentions on their end.

ā€œWeā€™ve lived here for 16 years. For 16 years weā€™ve gone to John Jay. Itā€™s the closest to us. Itā€™s a completely false alarm,ā€ Gabriela noted toĀ The Post.


The sisters hail from Transylvania, Romania but settled on the East Side back in 2006 to enter the art world. Their joint rĆ©sumĆ© is fairly impressive, or at the very least, incredibly strange. They made a 2008 appearance on America’s Got Talent and after getting the ‘x’ from both Sharon Osbourne and David Hasselhoff, decided to finish their terrifying rendition of “New York, New York” through a sea of boos. Sharon Osbourne gave them an opportunity to move on to the next round, while Hasselhoff gave them “the opportunity to go back to Bucharest,” later adding, “these girls are crazy.” Despite what they sound like, the sisters moved on to become semi finalists.

In addition, one of their songs was sampledĀ on Jay Z and Kanye Westā€™s critically-acclaimed album ā€œWatch the Throne,ā€ and in true New York fashion, they’ve been photographed kissing Robert DeNiro at a Vanity FairĀ party in 2011. TheirĀ InstagramĀ ā€”Ā which bills them as ā€œGrammy-winning composers/singers/actors/dancers/authorsā€ ā€” includes pictures with other celebrities, including Pharrell.

As noted above, the twins are absolutely floored by the allegations, with Gabriela stating, ā€œThe way we look [in the parenting group] ā€“ we look like criminals. Hardcore criminals. My weapon is love. Weā€™re Christians, weā€™re all about promoting love and light.ā€ Something tells us this “love and light” won’t gain them any more favorable entry to playgrounds on the Upper East Side.


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  1. JWalks September 16, 2023

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